Grievances Redressal Committee

Grievances Redressal Committee

Grievance Redressal Committee

  • A grievance redressal system is essential for any organization to function smoothly. It provides a mechanism for students to raise and resolve their concerns in a fair and impartial manner.
  • The College Grievance Redressal Committee was formed as per UGC guidelines to address the grievances of students. The Committee is headed by the Principal and consists of senior faculty members and student representatives.
  • The Committee receives grievances from the Principal and looks into them depending on the seriousness of the issue. The Committee members strive to resolve all grievances in a timely and effective manner, with the goal of creating a harmonious and conducive atmosphere for everyone on campus.


  • To create a system to resolve student and staff grievances.
  • To provide immediate access to grievance redressal for both staff and students.
  • To investigate the causes of dissatisfaction.
  • To educate students on their duties and responsibilities.

Functions of the Grievance and Redressal Committee

  • To receive written complaints from both students and staff concerning the system.
  • To establish and put into action a system for addressing the reported complaints.
  • To forward the results to the Management when deemed necessary for subsequent actions.
  • To listen to, record, and investigate grievances from staff and students promptly and thoroughly, and take the necessary actions.
  • To prioritize grievances based on their authenticity and seriousness.
  • To forward grievances to the relevant department, such as maintenance, transportation, academics, or amenities.
  • To organize regular meetings to assess the resolution status of the grievances.
  • To conduct regular follow-ups on these issues until they are ultimately resolved.
  • To keep the grievances confidential, if necessary.


  • A student who feels aggrieved and has a grievance or grievances should initially submit an application to the Coordinator, with a copy sent to the Principal. The Coordinator will review the provided information and strive to resolve the grievance promptly, ideally within one week of receiving the student's application. If the student remains unsatisfied with the Coordinator's decision or resolution, they should then bring the matter before the committee members.
  • After verifying the facts and the relevant documents, the chairperson will present the matter to the Committee Members for deliberation. The Committee will either support the Coordinator's decision or issue an appropriate order in the most effective manner, aiming to do so within a reasonable timeframe, ideally within 10 days of receiving the application.
  • Upon approval by the chairperson and the committee members, the ultimate decision will be conveyed to the student through the Principal.
  • If deemed necessary, the Committee may recommend to the Principal any required corrective actions to prevent the recurrence of similar grievances within the institution.
  • During the complaint handling process, the Committee adheres to the principles of natural justice by affording the complainant and relevant parties the opportunity to be heard and present their perspectives.
  • When issuing a decision on any grievance, the Committee will take into consideration the pertinent provisions of the Act/Regulations and ensure that no order is made that contradicts these provisions.
  • The student may submit their grievance or appeal application to the Coordinator either directly or by depositing it in the complaint box located near the main gate entrance of the college. The complaint box will be opened every Saturday for review.

Composition of College Grievance Redressal Committee

SI.NO Name of the Member Designation & Department Position of the committee
1 Dr.Selva Jeevitha SR Assistant Professor Chairman
2 Dr.Abisha S Assistant Professor Secretary
3 Mrs.Georginna R Assistant Professor Member
4 Mrs.Sivakami S Assistant Professor Member
5 Ms.Kasthuri V Assistant Professor Member
6 Mrs.Nancy B Assistant Professor Member
7 Ms.Jesintha B Student/IEM Member
8 Ms.Vijayalakshmi M Student/ECE Member
9 Ms.Manimegalai A Student/ECE Member

PSNITS has established a mechanism to address students' grievances, encompassing both academic and non-academic concerns. These issues can range from matters related to assessments, victimization, attendance, the administration of examinations, to instances of harassment by colleagues, fellow students, or teachers. To address these grievances, the college has instituted Grievance Redressal Committees at the college level dedicated to resolving students' concerns.

Grievance Redressal Form

Post your grievances through the following google form: